Update from Councillor Ethan Evans for June 2022

by | Jun 7, 2022


A combined community meeting with Councilor Ethan Evans, District 4, and Councilor Dan Boots, District 3 was held on May 31 at Castleton United Methodist Church.

Representatives from the following organizations provided information and updates on their respective organizations. Included were: Kris Parmalee (North Shadeland Alliance), Karen Kryah (BRAG), Captain Gisi (IMPD), and a written report provided by DPW. Both Councilor Evans and Councilor Boots also provided District updates (noted below)


Recapping the information:

  • A moment of silence was held for the students and teachers killed in Uvalde, TX, and those recently lost in Indianapolis.
  • Councilor Evans gave a shout-out to the tremendous work done by educators in Lawrence Township Schools and mentioned the recent City Council Special Resolution honoring Coach Jack Keefer for his legendary 40-plus years of coaching and dedicated service to Lawrence North High School.
  • Councilor Evans also spoke to the numerous speed reductions requested for District 4 neighborhoods.
    • These include: Copperfield, Pine Springs, Eagles Nest, Castle Estates, Hunters Woods, Yorkshire, Castle Cove, Shadow Ride, Shadeland Station, Scarborough Village, Fairwood Hills and Castilla subdivisions, where speed limit is currently 30mph and will reduce to 25mph.
  • Councilor Evans also reported he is working with Downtown Indy and the administration to provide more permanent sanitary public restrooms downtown.
  • Additionally, Councilor Evans is putting forward a proposal for a citizen-led housing commission which would lead to policy and budget recommendations for the city to further address affordable housing plans. He is working with community organizations and the administration for the mental health pilot program the Mayor pledged
  • Captain Gisi, IMPD, thanked the community for supplies for the North District substation. He provided updates on crime data, which shows violent crime in District 3 and across the city down from a year ago. Property crimes were on the rise, however, partially attributed to the economy/current inflation.
  • Karen Kryah, BRAG, spoke about BRAG’s ongoing cleanup efforts along 82nd street and plans along the Nickel Plate Trail and in Castleton. Much is needed for both to thrive.
  • DPW’s written report included an approved $9.2 million residential street reconstruction project included in Circle City Forward Phase 2. Additional information on mid-season work on secondary and residential streets, including pothole repairs. DPW is currently understaffed with nearly 100 open positions. This is impacting street repairs, but critical servicing is still being done.
  • Councilor Boots provided updates on grants received for trails and, also, gave updates on the Clear Path 465 project. Councilor Boots, discussed and provided handouts on the new election districts, effective Jan. 2024. The new map impacting Indianapolis voting is available below.
Indianapolis City Council District Map 2024
Dan Boots Indianapolis City Council District 3

Ethan Evans

Indianapolis City-County Council | District 4

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